Down the Street : 9WV5L 939GP RF83L RT6S4 Side of Building 6SXXS 939GP RF83L RT6S4 Park W9PNT 839GP R8F3B 9LVS3 Under the Street N7KB3 Y19GP R8F3V 95HR5 Along the Street N7KB3 Y19GP R8F3G GK4T3
Display Cases P7KB3 Y19GP R8F3B PFGC3 Volcano G7KB3 Y11GP R8F3B PFGC3 Dinosaur Bones H7KB3 Y1QFPR8F3Q XSDS4 Model City J7KB3 Y1GWP R8F31 766D1 Temple K7KB3 Y1B15 S8F3Q XSDS4 Museum Boss K7KB3 Y1B15 S8F3B TQBB4
The Wells V7KB3 Y1B15 S8F3Q S7QC1 Along the Sewer W7KB3 Y1VBV P8F3L C1M95 Food Carton X7KB3 Y1VLN 7BF31 CH1C3 Up the Well Y7KB3 Y1VV1 6QF3Q S7QC1 Ryan's World Q7KB3 Y1LDR TQD3V KCDT1
Circuit Boards Q7KB3 Y1LDR TQD3L CQSR3 Lab. Top R7KB3 Y118H 56T1W TY4R4 Hard Drives S7KB3 Y118H 56T1T CQSR3 Brian's Folly T7KB3 Y118H 56T1F NY4R4 On the Ceiling T7KB3 Y118H 56T1T C4LD1 Kip's Bonus 68KB3 Y118H 56T15 1P6C4 Brain Boss 68KB3 Y118H 56T1T NVN35